
23 July 2012


Its been a while since I posted something on this blog. In the meantime I went to Cannes with my short film Hendrik and I was waiting for the reaction of an other Film Festival, "Festival of Festivals" in St. Petersburg (Russia). They said they will announce the selected films on there website. After a week of waiting I gave up. I haven't got any mail and I didn't saw anything on their webpage. 2 weeks later my partner Olga visited the website and discovered Hendrik got selected for this festival.

Beside the selection for the 2 international filmfestival, nothing much happened. The only landmark at this moment is a year after graduation. This is a moment to look back and evaluate my current position in comparing with the goals I created last year.
My goal is to make 2 short films a year. In didn;t shot a film in 2012 yet, but 2 projects are in progress.
Being selected for festivals and the positive feedback I got, motivates me to create more films. The counter part of not being motivated is the financial situation. As a started we state in difficult times, especially an artist who starts. Sometimes I have my doubts about my business, but its my hobby and I like it.

The following 2 films I would like to share with you to motivate you in difficult times. The message is simple but this will keep me awake. Especially the Dragonball Z video, as I am a huge fan of, inspires me greatly.