
30 January 2012


If I ask the question to a regular person; "what is film?", the person would answer something like, a story told in pictures. And that would be a correct answer. And with film we think about actors, directors, camera and lights. Even during my study, the focus of filmmaking lies in these terms. But something that is underestimated is sound.

When I was shooting my first film, Het Schilderij, I made a misstake with scouting my location. I found a beautiful, historical location, but the location was on busy street. I had a good sound recorder/mixer who know how to deal with these situations and created a good sound mix for my film. But this is the moment I realized that sound for a film needs the same attention as the picture itself. 

Today I read an article on about the new film of the dutch filmmakers Eugenie Jansen and Albert Elings Above my head, which was shot in 3D. Elings quoted "Geluid is leidend in het verbeelden van ruimte...", which means "Sound leads imagining the space..." I am not sure if they know something about the new sound technology, auro - 3D, but I would know this technique would make there film even more realistic, where sound and the image comes together. 

I am not so technical to explain how Auro 3D works, but I know that the experience of sound becomes more realistic. The attached video  explain visually how it works. 

Source: auro-3d

Unfortunately, experiencing this new sound-technique is very limited. The Theater Kinepolis in Antwerpen would be the first cinema in West Europe who would use this technique. Some cinema's in USA, China and Russia have this new sound system. 

So for me it will take some time to experience this, but for now, I would work with Stereo and finish the musicvideo I shot last Saturday. But about this project would follow later. 

27 January 2012

Dealing with clients

Illustration by Kilu Zamana on Facebook
It has been a while since I have been on a set of a music video, but tomorrow this record will be broken. This time I will shoot a music video for the young artist Shno Kamal.

What started as a small agreement to shoot a live performance turns out to become a full music video. Still the focus of this video lies on the live performance of Shno, but we, "Tree Film Productions", wanted a narrative story in this video.

We from Tree Film Productions are young artist who're trying to become successful in the thing we like to do the most, Film. So in the beginning you do the things rationally and without thinking of any consequences. Past projects learned us and specially me, how to deal with specific situations, but still facing problems are one of the most common things. But thinking after dealing with these problems you still make misstakes of the same topic.

The problems I am talking about are clients. They don't have to be necessary problems, but as long you deal with parties who wants something from you, things can become very complicated. This is why contracts are invented. Contract to make sure both parties are agreed about how the corporation is organized. I am happy that a lots of models are on the internet to help me setting up a decent contract.

So, now the legal agreements are settled, the production can starts. And hopefully I learned enough to make sure I will have the same problems in the future.

19 January 2012

Quentin Tarantino's favorite and bad filmlist 2011

Last year Quentin Tarantino published a list of his favorite film of the year 2009 on This list was so populair that he decided to publish a 2011-list.
I copied the list from the webpage of film1.

Below you can read the list.

Quentin Tarantino's official Top eleven of 2011
1. Midnight in Paris
2. Rise of the Planet of the Apes
3. Moneyball
4. La piel que habito
5. X-Men: First Class
6. Young Adult
7. Attack the Block
8. Red State
9. Warrior
10. The Artist / Our Idiot Brother (gedeeld)
11. The Three Musketeers

Others he like:
The Iron Lady
The Green Hornet
Green Lantern
Captain America: The First Avenger
The Descendants
My Week With Marilyn
Fast & Furious 5
The Tree of Life
The Hangover Part II
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol
The Beaver
The Sitter
War Horse

Nice Try Award:
Drive Angry
Real Steel

Best Director:
Pedro Almodóvar voor La piel que habito
Bennett Miller voor Moneyball
Woody Allen voor Midnight in Paris
Jason Reitman voor Young Adult
Michel Hazanavicius voor The Artist

Best Original screenplay:
Midnight in Paris
Young Adult
Red State
Attack the Block
Our Idiot Brother

Best adapted script
La piel que habito
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
X-Men: First Class

Bad Films:
Sucker Punch
Straw Dogs
Paranormal Activity 3
Meek's Cutoff

13 January 2012

Amazing "flying" camera movements

This message will the first I publish in the new year. I would like to wish you all a good, but more, a creative year.

Today, we at home, got a visit by my uncle, to ask my father to join him to search for a new car. While he was waiting for my father, we got a talk about camera movements and how some beautiful shots are created. He was especially amazed by "Karsten Jacobsen" operating shot during the Eurovision songfestival a few years ago.
Also I mentioned, because of the light weight of the DLSR camera's, "flying" shots are easier to create by using remote helicopters.

By coincident, I read something about the unique BBC documentary Earthfly. This film, produced by John Downer Productions creates a world wereby, we as viewer are in the wings of the birds. We see their point of view. I have seen this film yet, but seeing parts of the film on the net, makes thrilling to watch this film.