
19 December 2011

Christmas update

The last week of the year 2011 starts. In this blog I will tell something about our last projects and what is coming up.

First of all, Olga and I shot a few project, before going to the Netherlands to celebrate christmas. The first project we were shooting is a viral-commercial for an android application called "animating touch". This project is the second project after Prague Film School. The first viral commercial was for the Russian company "Uhnwa".

I have learned from previous projects and tried an improved techniques on the "animating touch". This turned out to work pretty wel. 

The casting I did was pure based on the looks of the actors and the personality. I had two long days of talking with the actors. Some didn't understand English, but Olga helped me with the translation. One of the topics that came up was my different approach to actors. They told me that my approach and working with actors was relaxed and more human. They told me the Russian directors are tough people. I guess the mentality of the Russian society works strong with the hierarchy. You need to pass the man with the mercedes, while a person with a volkswagen is a low class person. I guess the rule of this way of living works as well in the film business.

Next to this big project I shot 2 small project for our Tree Film Production. One is a surprise and the other one you can see below.

Last year was for me a big challenge and learned a lot. I changed in different aspects as well as in life. What 2012 will bring will be a surprise. My plan is to continue working on a short film and hope to get the finance done within a few months. More updates about this project will follow next year.

Keep an eye on this blog for more news.

12 December 2011

Christmas in St. Petersburg

Besides the "29 ways of staying creative", it has been a while since I've posted something. So I thought it's a good time for an up-date.

A lot happened since the last time. First of all I continued working on a script I wrote at Prague Filmschool last year. I extended the script and did some more research about the Czech history in the last 300 years to apply on my story. I got some interested results. I will tell more about this project in a few weeks. Now I will focus on my stay in St. Petersburg.

It is the 3rd time since 5 months I'm St. Peterburg. I witnessed the summer, fall and the start of the winter and its incredible to see how the days turns from light until night. I have never thought the sunlight can change so quick. And one of the most magical moments is the start of the winter. On my birthday, magic started for the first time of the year. Especially with all the christmas lights in the streets.

Besides the Christmas spirit, I am also in St. Petersburg for some project with Tree Film Productions. A few projects are running and I have met some interesting people. The D.O.P I am going to work with for our next project, also organizes filmevents. I participated with 2 films and I witnessed for the 1st time the opinion of viewers, who had never seen my films before. It was interesting to hear what their reactions were. Especially when the feedback is in Russian. The critical feedback made me think what to do with my future projects. Hopefully this will turn out better for my films. 

11 December 2011

29 ways to stay creative

Sometimes I have problems to create ideas. Especially when a deadline comes ahead and the client is breathing on your neck. This video, made by guys from, to-fu, reminds me how te stay focussed and creative.

Enjoy the video.